undemocratic Synonym

Synonyme undemocratic

authoritarian - autocratic - despotic - dictatorial - tyrannical - totalitarian - oppressive - repressive - illiberal - undemocratical - anti-democratic - non-democratic - fascistic - monocratic - absolutist - arbitrary - unrepresentative - oligarchic - plutocratic - autarchic - autarchical - czarist - monarchical - feudal - imperious - domineering - high-handed - overbearing - unfree - unjust - inequitable - unfair - unaccountable - non-representative - non-participatory - exclusionary - elitist - majoritarian - unilateral - centralized

The term 'undemocratic' refers to a system, process, or behavior that does not adhere to the principles of democracy. In democratic societies, decisions are typically made by the majority through fair and free elections, and individual rights and freedoms are protected. Conversely, undemocratic systems may involve authoritarian rule, lack of fair representation, suppression of dissent, and disregard for human rights. Examples of undemocratic practices can include rigged elections, censorship, and the concentration of power in the hands of a few.

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