shackle Synonym

Synonyme shackle

chain - fetter - manacle - handcuff - restrain - bind - conf - restrict - hamper - impede - limit - curb - trammel - tether - tie - fasten - secure - incarcerate - imprison - detain - constrain - hold - enchain - enshackle - pinion - gyve - hobble - leash - yoke - clamp - lock - shackle

A shackle is a device used to restrict the movement of a person or object, typically consisting of a metal link, hoop, or fastening that can be locked around the wrist, ankle, or other part of the body. Shackles are often used in law enforcement and security to restrain individuals who pose a threat or as a means of punishment and control. Historically, shackles were also employed in the transportation of prisoners and slaves to prevent escape.

Catégorie : Constriction Tags : Restraint Handcuff Chain

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