resigns Synonym

Synonyme resigns

quits - steps down - leaves - vacates - abdicates - withdraws - bows out - departs - retires - gives up - relinquishes - surrenders - renounces - demits - ceases - exits - fors - abandons - cedes - yields - concedes - discontinues - terminates - drops - resigns from - steps aside - stands down - walks away - checks out - packs it in - calls it quits - throws in the towel - hands in notice - gives notice - puts in papers - steps away - steps back - bows out gracefully - takes leave - takes a bow - calls it a day - calls time - hangs it up - lays down the mantle - lays down the burden - lays down the reins - steps off - steps out - steps off the stage - steps out of the limelight

The term 'resigns' refers to the act of voluntarily leaving one's position or job. It involves formally declaring one's intention to end their employment or duties, often through a written statement or letter submitted to their employer or relevant authority. Resignation can be due to personal reasons, better opportunities, dissatisfaction, or other circumstances.

Catégorie : Employment Tags : Retreats Quits Leaves

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