reproofs Synonym

Synonyme reproofs

rebukes - reprimands - admonitions - reproaches - criticisms - scoldings - censures - chidings - upbraidings - castigations - beratings - remonstrances - objurgations - lambastings - lectures - corrections - disapprovals - denunciations - rebuffs - rejections - condemnations - disapprobations - excoriations - flak - knocks - pans - put-downs - raps - reprovals - slams - stricture - tongue-lashings - vituperations - warnings - censurings - rebukings - remonstrations - reprimandings - reproachings

Reproofs are expressions of disapproval or criticisms that are typically meant to correct or admonish an individual. They are often delivered with the intention of highlighting mistakes or misdeeds with the aim to encourage improvement or rectification. Unlike general criticism, reproofs tend to be direct and sometimes harsh, targeting specific behaviors or actions.

Catégorie : Criticism Tags : Rebuke Reprimand Admonishment

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