imperious Synonym

Synonyme imperious

domineering - overbearing - authoritative - commanding - bossy - dictatorial - high-handed - peremptory - arrogant - haughty - lordly - magisterial - autocratic - tyrannical - despotic - oppressive - overweening - superior - condescending - patronizing - imperatorial - masterful - assertive - pushy - presumptuous - cavalier - officious - dogmatic - smug - self-important - egotistical - grandiose - pompous - pretentious - supercilious - snobbish - disdainful - contemptuous - scornful - proud - lofty - exalted - imperious - imperator-like - imperatorish - imperatorly - imperatorian - imperatoric

The word 'imperious' is an adjective that describes a person who is arrogantly domineering or overbearing. Such individuals exhibit a commanding presence, often expecting obedience and submission from others. They may come off as haughty and, at times, despotic, showcasing their perceived superiority in a high-handed or authoritative manner. The term is often used negatively to highlight the undue assertiveness and condescending attitude of someone who assumes power and expects compliance without justification.

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