collusion Synonym

Synonyme collusion

conspiracy - complicity - connivance - collaboration - scheming - plotting - secret agreement - cahoots - intrigue - deceit - double-dealing - underhandedness - chicanery - machination - subterfuge - trickery - fraud - duplicity - treachery - skulduggery - colluding - partnership in crime - covert operation - hidden agenda - secret plot - under-the-table deal - clandestine cooperation - covert collusion - secretive alliance - surreptitious agreement - underhand collaboration

Collusion refers to a secret agreement or cooperation between two or more parties for an illegal or deceitful purpose. This deceptive collaboration often aims at manipulating, swindling, or defrauding others, typically to seek undue advantage or gain while violating laws or ethical standards in the process. Examples include price-fixing among competitors or insider trading on financial markets.

Catégorie : Law Tags : Conspiracy Deception Cooperation

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