charge Synonym

Synonyme charge

accuse - indict - prosecute - blame - allege - incriminate arraign - impeach - cite - summon - denounce - inculpate - tax - fee - cost - price - tariff - rate - levy - toll - duty - assessment - imposition - expense - expenditure - outlay - payment - bill - invoice - tab - reckoning - account - debit - demand - requisition - claim - responsibility - obligation - task - assignment - mission - care - custody - supervision - oversight - management - control

In finance, 'charge' refers to the amount of money one is required to pay for a service or a good. It can also denote the responsibility or care for something. In transactions, it implies the amount billed to a customer. Additionally, in legal terms, a charge can mean an accusation or an allegation made against someone.

Catégorie : Finance Tags : Fee Payment Cost

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