barter Synonym

Synonyme barter

trade - exchange - swap - trade-off - switch - interchange - trade-in - deal - transact - haggle - negotiate - dicker - truck - trade goods - trade services - trade items trade commodities - trade wares - trade merchandise - trade products - trade assets - trade resources - trade valuables - trade possessions - trade property - trade chattels - trade articles - trade materials - trade supplies - trade stock - trade inventory - trade equipment - trade apparatus - trade gear - trade tools - trade instruments - trade implements - trade devices - trade contraptions - trade gadgets - trade contrivances - trade mechanisms - trade machinery - trade paraphernalia - trade accoutrements - trade accessories - trade furnishings - trade fittings

Barter is a system of exchange where participants in a transaction directly exchange goods or services for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money. It is the oldest form of commerce, dating back to times before hard currency was created. People can barter items they no longer need for items they do need and it thus maintains a sense of value and need in communities.

Catégorie : Commerce Tags : Trade Exchange Deal

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