authoritarian Synonym

Synonyme authoritarian

autocratic - dictatorial - tyrannical - despotic - totalitarian - oppressive - imperious - domineering - overbearing - absolute - arbitrary - high-handed - iron-fisted - autarchic - monocratic - fascistic - illiberal - undemocratic - bossy - commanding - controlling - harsh - strict - rigid - severe - unyielding - inflexible - dogmatic - doctrinaire - uncompromising - unbending - peremptory - magisterial - imperatorial - hegemonic - repressive - draconian - disciplinarian - militaristic - regimented - strong-arm - iron-handed - heavy-handed - monolithic - centralist - absolutist - Caesarist - czarist - monocrat

Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms. Individual freedoms are subordinate to the state, and there is no constitutional accountability under this regime. Authoritarian leaders often use state power to suppress opposition and maintain control.

Catégorie : Politics Tags : Power Control Authority

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