anthologies Synonym

Synonyme anthologies

collections - compilations - treasuries - selections - assemblages - anthologizations - florilegia - miscellanies - chrestomathies - digests - albums - readers - compendiums - garlands - omnibuses - potpourris - symposia - archives - assortments - libraries - repositories - aggregations - accumulations - gatherings - hoards - stockpiles - stores - troves - conglomerations - clusters - bundles - batches - sets - series - arrays - groups - medleys - mixtures - blends - fusions - syntheses - amalgamations - unifications - integrations - combinations - unions - mergers

An anthology is a collection of works, often literary pieces such as poems, short stories, plays, or essays. These collections are typically curated by an editor or a group of editors and are usually organized around a particular theme, genre, or subject matter. Anthologies can be valuable for educational purposes, showcasing the diversity of a particular genre or the breadth of a topic. They are also popular in academia, providing a comprehensive look at classic and contemporary works. The purpose of an anthology is to bring together significant works that might otherwise be scattered in various sources, making it easier for readers to access a wide range of material in one place.

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