adulation Synonym

Synonyme adulation

flattery - praise - admiration - worship - adoration - idolization - veneration - exaltation - glorification - commendation - sycophancy - fawning - bootlicking - toadying - obsequiousness - ingratiation - blandishment - applause - homage - reverence - deference - respect - awe - lionization - hero-worship - esteem - honor - tribute - eulogy - panegyric - encomium - laudation - acclaim - accolade - plaudit - ovation - kudos - exaltment - puffery - sycophantism - servility - ingratiatory - unctuousness - flummery - cajolery - wheedling - soft-soaping - sweet-talking

Adulation refers to excessive admiration or praise, often using flattery in an insincere manner. It can imply a level of exaggeration, making the receiver of the adulation feel overly important. Often associated with trying to gain favor or advantage, adulation is commonly found in professional settings or relationships where one party seeks to impress or gain the approval of another.

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