finding a joint settlement Synonym

Synonyme finding a joint settlement

reaching an agreement - coming to a consensus - finding common ground - negotiating a settlement - achieving a compromise - settling a dispute - resolving a conflict - making a deal - striking a bargain - coming to terms - reaching a resolution - finding a middle ground - brokering a deal - hammering out an agreement - achieving a settlement - concluding a deal - finalizing an agreement - reaching a mutual understanding - agreeing on terms - finding a resolution - settling differences - reaching a compromise - coming to an understanding - finding a solution - negotiating terms - resolving differences - achieving consensus - reaching a deal - making peace - finding an accord - coming to an agreement - reaching a settlement - finding a compromise - negotiating an agreement - achieving harmony - settling on terms - reaching a conclusion - finding a mutual agreement - coming to a resolution - reaching an understanding - finding a consensus - negotiating a resolution - achieving a mutual settlement - resolving issues - coming to a mutual agreement - finding a joint solution - reaching a joint decision - achieving a joint agreement

Den Prozess, bei dem zwei oder mehr Parteien eine Einigung zu einem strittigen Punkt oder Thema finden, nennt man eine gemeinsame Vereinbarung finden. Dies ist oft Teil von Rechtsverfahren, Mediationssitzungen oder zwischenstaatlichen Verhandlungen, bei denen beide Seiten bereit sind, Zugeständnisse zu machen, um eine Lösung zu finden, die für alle Beteiligten akzeptabel ist.

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