bye Synonym

Synonyme bye

goodbye - farewell - see you - take care - so long - adieu - ciao - later - see you later - see you soon - see you around - catch you later - peace out - cheerio - toodle-oo - ta-ta - au revoir - arrivederci - sayonara - hasta la vista - adios - voyage - Godspeed - see ya - later alligator - bye-bye - see you next time - until next time - until we meet again - be seeing you - have a good one - take it easy - catch you on the flip side - smell you later - keep in touch - have a nice day - have a good day - stay safe - stay well - all the best - best regards - kind regards - warm regards - regards - best wishes - good day - good night - nighty-night

Bye is a term commonly used to indicate farewell or goodbye when parting from someone. It is an informal and friendly way to bid farewell, often used in casual conversations. The term can also imply a temporary or short-term parting, and it is typically used in spoken English.

Categoría: Farewell Etiquetas: Departure Goodbye Parting

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