enervated Synonym

Synonyme enervated

exhausted - fatigued - drained - weary - worn out - tired - depleted - spent - sapped - weakened - enfeebled - debilitated - run-down - listless - flagging - faint - languid - sluggish - lethargic - torpid - prostrated - pooped - bushed - tuckered out - beat - knackered - zonked - wiped out - dog-tired - bone-tired - dead tired - out of gas - all in - done in - played out - whacked - shattered - kaput - fagged - jaded - overtaxed - overworked - under the weather - out of steam - petered out - tuckered - worn to a frazzle - dead on one's feet

The term 'enervated' refers to a state of feeling drained of energy or vitality. It describes a condition of physical or mental weariness that results from prolonged stress, illness, or intense activity. Enervated individuals often experience extreme tiredness and have little to no motivation to engage in daily activities or tasks. While temporary feelings of enervation can often be remedied through rest and proper nutrition, chronic enervation may require medical attention to address underlying health issues or lifestyle adjustments.

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