yielding to a proposal Synonym

Synonyme yielding to a proposal

agreeing - consenting - acquiescing - assenting - complying - accepting - conceding - submitting - acceding - approving - endorsing - supporting - ratifying - concurring - subscribing - affirming - acknowledging - granting - permitting - allowing - authorizing - sanctioning - validating - legitimizing - backing - concurring with - going along with - giving in - giving the nod - rubber-stamping - signing off on - falling in line with - bowing to - yielding - relenting - capitulating - surrendering - caving in - giving way - deferring - obliging - obliging to - obliging with - obliging by - obliging for - obliging on - obliging in - obliging at - obliging through - obliging under

Yielding to a proposal refers to the act of agreeing or consenting to a suggestion or offer made by another party. This could involve accepting terms in negotiations, complying with a request, or giving one's approval to proceed with a plan or idea. It indicates a willingness to go along with another's proposition, typically after consideration or deliberation.

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