wooing Synonym

Synonyme wooing

courting - romancing - pursuing - flirting - serenading - charming - impressing - enticing - seducing - coaxing - sweet-talking - flattering - adoring - doting - fawning - endearing - captivating - beguiling - enchanting - alluring - attracting - winning over - making advances - paying court - making up to - buttering up - soft-soaping - sweetening - ingratiating - making eyes at - making overtures - making a play for - making a pass at - hitting on - coming on to - pitching woo - making love to - setting one's cap at - sparking - spooning - billing and cooing - whispering sweet nothings - playing up to - making a move on - trying to get off with - trying to pick up - trying to chat up - trying to get in with - trying to win over

Wooing refers to the act of courting or attempting to attract the affection of someone, typically with the intention of establishing a romantic relationship. This can include various gestures such as giving compliments, gifts, or spending quality time with the person of interest. It is often marked by a period of increased attention, communication, and efforts to impress the other person. Wooing has historically played a significant role in romantic relationships, and while the methods may have evolved over time, the fundamental goal remains the same—to win the affection and love of the object of one's desire.

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