vituperation Synonym

Synonyme vituperation

abuse - invective - denunciation - castigation - censure - condemnation - criticism - diatribe - tirade - revilement - reproach - scolding - upbraiding - berating - vilification - disparagement - defamation - slander - libel - insult - affront - aspersion - calumny - obloquy - contumely - excoriation - lambasting - railing - tongue-lashing - reproof - rebuke - reprimand - admonishment - chiding - harangue - fulmination - objurgation - opprobrium - vitriol - malediction - execration - animadversion

Vituperation refers to harsh and abusive language or condemnation directed at a person or entity. It involves vehement criticism and verbal abuse with the purpose of exposing, embarrassing, or disparaging the subject. This term is often used in both personal and public contexts to describe extreme speech intended to degrade or vilify.

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