upper hand Synonym

Synonyme upper hand

advantage - edge - dominance - superiority - control - mastery - leverage - ascendancy - supremacy - upper edge - upper position - upper ground - lead - command - power - authority - influence - preeminence - primacy - upper advantage - upper control - upper dominance - upper mastery - upper leverage - upper ascendancy - upper supremacy - upper lead - upper command - upper power - upper authority - upper influence - upper preeminence - upper primacy

The term 'upper hand' refers to having a position of control, power, or advantage over someone else in a particular situation. It is commonly used in competitive contexts, such as business, sports, or personal interactions, to indicate that one party has the ability to influence or dictate the actions of another. Having the upper hand often implies a strategic edge or a favorable position that gives one party an advantageous leverage over another.

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