unwearying Synonym

Synonyme unwearying

tireless - indefatigable - unflagging - untiring - relentless - unremitting - persistent - unwavering - unrelenting - inexhaustible - diligent - industrious - assiduous - unceasing - unyielding - steadfast - dogged - determined - resolute - tenacious - unswerving - unflinching - unrelaxing - unwearied - unending - unbroken - continuous - constant - sustained - enduring - never-ending - ceaseless - perpetual - unbending - unshakable - unshrinking - unhesitating - unquenchable - unrelaxed - unrelaxable

Unwearying describes a quality of showing constant and continuous effort, without ever giving up or becoming tired. It is often used to describe someone who is tirelessly hardworking and persistent, not deterred by failures or setbacks, and who keeps striving towards their goal. The term can also be applied to inanimate objects or processes that seem to operate without interruption or degradation.

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