unveiling the weaknesses Synonym

Synonyme unveiling the weaknesses

exposing the flaws - revealing the weaknesses - uncovering the vulnerabilities - disclosing the deficiencies - highlighting the shortcomings - bringing to light the weaknesses - laying bare the flaws - unmasking the weaknesses - showing the defects - pointing out the weaknesses - identifying the weaknesses - detecting the flaws - discovering the weaknesses - bringing out the weaknesses - making known the weaknesses - unearthing the weaknesses - bringing to the surface the weaknesses - exposing the shortcomings - revealing the defects - uncovering the flaws - disclosing the weaknesses - highlighting the flaws - bringing to light the flaws - laying bare the weaknesses - unmasking the flaws - showing the weaknesses - pointing out the flaws - identifying the flaws - detecting the weaknesses - discovering the flaws - bringing out the flaws - making known the flaws - unearthing the flaws - bringing to the surface the flaws - exposing the vulnerabilities - revealing the shortcomings - uncovering the defects - disclosing the flaws - highlighting the vulnerabilities - bringing to light the vulnerabilities - laying bare the vulnerabilities - unmasking the vulnerabilities - showing the vulnerabilities - pointing out the vulnerabilities - identifying the vulnerabilities - detecting the vulnerabilities - discovering the vulnerabilities - bringing out the vulnerabilities - making known the vulnerabilities - unearthing the vulnerabilities

Unter der Phrase 'unveiling the weaknesses' versteht man den Prozess des Aufdeckens oder Offenlegens von Schwächen, Mängeln oder Fehlern in einem System, einer Struktur oder einer Organisation. Dabei kann es sich um technische Schwachstellen in Softwaresystemen, organisatorische Mängel in Unternehmen oder persönliche Schwächen handeln. Das Ziel dieses Prozesses ist es oft, diese Schwächen zu identifizieren, zu analysieren und schließlich Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung vorzuschlagen oder umzusetzen.

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