unmasking the pretence Synonym

Synonyme unmasking the pretence

exposing the facade - revealing the deception - uncovering the pretense - disclosing the sham - unmasking the falsehood - unveiling the charade - laying bare the deceit - bringing to light the pretense - stripping away the illusion - unmasking the guise - revealing the masquerade - exposing the ruse - uncovering the guise - disclosing the pretense - unmasking the act - unveiling the ruse - laying bare the pretense - bringing to light the sham - stripping away the facade - unmasking the deception - revealing the sham - exposing the illusion - uncovering the charade - disclosing the facade - unmasking the false pretense - unveiling the deception - laying bare the sham - bringing to light the deception - stripping away the pretense - unmasking the illusion - revealing the guise - exposing the charade - uncovering the ruse - unmasking the facade - unveiling the pretense - laying bare the ruse - bringing to light the falsehood - stripping away the sham - unmasking the charade - revealing the falsehood - exposing the pretense - uncovering the deception - disclosing the illusion - unmasking the sham - unveiling the facade - laying bare the falsehood - bringing to light the ruse - stripping away the deception

Unmasking the pretence refers to the act of revealing the truth behind a deceptive facade or false appearance. It involves uncovering dishonest behavior or intentions, often exposing the reality that someone or something is not what it initially seemed to be. This phrase is commonly used in contexts where individuals or entities are presenting a false front to deceive others, and the true nature or intention is revealed through investigation, scrutiny, or confrontation.

Category: Behavior Tags: Deception Truth Facade

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