undertakes the burden Synonym

Synonyme undertakes the burden

assumes the responsibility - takes on the burden - shoulders the burden - bears the burden - accepts the burden - carries the burden - takes responsibility - takes on the responsibility - assumes the burden - takes up the burden - embraces the burden - handles the burden - manages the burden - deals with the burden - copes with the burden - undertakes the responsibility - takes on the duty - assumes the duty - shoulders the responsibility - bears the responsibility - accepts the responsibility - carries the responsibility - takes up the responsibility - embraces the responsibility - handles the responsibility - manages the responsibility - deals with the responsibility - copes with the responsibility - undertakes the duty - takes on the task - assumes the task - shoulders the task - bears the task - accepts the task - carries the task - takes up the task - embraces the task - handles the task - manages the task - deals with the task - copes with the task - undertakes the task - takes on the load - assumes the load - shoulders the load - bears the load - accepts the load - carries the load - takes up the load

Der Ausdruck 'undertakes the burden' bedeutet, dass jemand bereit ist, eine schwierige oder unangenehme Aufgabe oder Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Dies kann sowohl im beruflichen als auch im persönlichen Kontext geschehen, wo jemand die Initiative ergreift, eine herausfordernde Pflicht zu akzeptieren.

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