twining Synonym

Synonyme twining

winding - twisting - coiling - spiraling - curling - interweaving - intertwining - braiding - plaiting - looping - weaving - meandering - snaking - zigzagging - crisscrossing - entwining - interlacing - interlinking - intermeshing - interconnecting - interknitting - interthreading - intertangling - intertwisting - knurling - lacing - raveling - spiralling - tangling - threading - twirling - whirling

Twining refers to the growth pattern seen in some plants where stems wrap around objects they contact, aiding in their support and climbing habit. This type of growth can be observed in various vines and climbing plants, allowing them to reach sunlight more efficiently and stabilize themselves in their environment. Twining is a crucial adaptation for some plants, supporting their growth and survival.

Category: Nature Tags: Plant Growth Twist

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