twiddling thumbs Synonym

Synonyme twiddling thumbs

fidgeting - idling - loafing - dawdling - procrastinating, - lazing - wasting time - goofing off - killing time - dilly-dallying - shilly-shallying - trifling - puttering - pottering - piddling - loitering - malingering - slacking - vegetating - bumming around - hanging around - marking time - cooling one's heels - doing nothing - sitting around - standing by - waiting around - passing time - whiling away time - frittering away time - goofing around - messing around - fooling around - playing around - horsing around - monkeying around - clowning around - mucking about - faffing about - kicking one's heels - hanging out - chilling - chilling out - taking it easy - relaxing - unwinding - loafing around - lounging around

The phrase 'twiddling thumbs' refers to the act of spinning one's thumbs around each other as a way to pass the time, often when one is bored or waiting for something to happen. It is an idiomatic expression frequently used in English to describe someone who has nothing to do or is idly passing the time. The motion involves intertwining the fingers and rotating the thumbs in circles around each other, signifying inactivity or lack of engagement.

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