turning down Synonym

Synonyme turning down

rejecting - declining - refusing - dismissing - spurning - rebuffing - nixing - vetoing - denying - repudiating - disallowing - negating - renouncing - shunning - waving off - passing up - saying no to - giving the thumbs down - knocking back - brushing off - cold-shouldering - giving the cold shoulder - giving the brush-off - giving the go-by - giving the heave-ho - giving the boot - giving the sack - giving the shove - giving the slip - giving the thumbs-up - giving the thumbs-down

Turning down refers to the act of rejecting or refusing an offer, request, or proposal. It implies a deliberate decision to say no to something, whether it's an opportunity, an invitation, or a suggestion. This action can be taken formally or informally and can occur in various contexts, including personal interactions, professional settings, and transactional exchanges. Turning down can also imply a reduction in intensity or volume, as in turning down the volume of a device.

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