trailing behind Synonym

Synonyme trailing behind

lagging - following - tailing - dragging - straggling - lagging behind - bringing up the rear - falling behind - trailing in the wake - tagging along - coming after - staying back - hanging back - dawdling - loitering - lingering - dallying - ambling - meandering - wandering - straying - drifting - backsliding - receding - retreating - withdrawing - losing ground - slipping back - tailing off - tapering off - ebbing - subsiding - diminishing - waning - declining - petering out - fizzling out - running out of steam - slowing down - decelerating - slackening - stalling - hesitating - faltering - wavering - vacillating - oscillating - fluctuating

The term 'trailing behind' means to follow or stay behind someone or something, often at a slower pace or with some delay. It can describe physical movement, such as one person walking or driving behind another, or metaphorically, such as being behind in progress, development, or achievement. The expression implies that there is a noticeable gap between the leader and the one trailing, which could be due to various factors like speed, efficiency, or circumstances.

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