totalitarianisms Synonym

Synonyme totalitarianisms

authoritarianisms - despotisms - autocracies - dictatorships - absolutisms - tyrannies - fascisms - oppressions - regimes - police states - one-party states - totalitarian regimes - autarchies - monocracies - totalisms - statisms - centralisms - hegemonies - illiberalisms - absolutist regimes - undemocratic regimes - repressive regimes - single-party systems - autocratic systems - dictatorial systems - fascist regimes - tyrannical regimes - despotic regimes - oppressive regimes - hegemonic systems - centralized regimes - monolithic regimes - authoritarian regimes - autocratic governments - dictatorial governments - fascist governments - tyrannical governments - despotic governments - oppressive governments - hegemonic governments - centralized governments - monolithic governments - one-man rule - strongman rule - military dictatorships - junta rule - martial law governments - total control systems

Totalitarianism is a political system in which the state recognizes no limits to its authority and seeks to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible. It is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression. The government typically maintains power by means of an all-encompassing propaganda campaign, extensive surveillance, and the use of terror tactics to suppress dissent.

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