to take for granted Synonym

Synonyme to take for granted

assume - presume - suppose - expect - take as given - take as read - take as a given - take as a matter of course - take as self-evid - take as obvious - take as understood - take as implicit - take as a fact - take as certain - take as true - take as a given fact - take as a given truth - take as a given assumption - take as a given premise - take as a given principle - take as a given rule - take as a given standard - take as a given norm - take as a given expectation - take as a given belief - take as a given understanding - take as a given notion - take as a given idea - take as a given concept - take as a given perception - take as a given perspective - take as a given viewpoint - take as a given stance - take as a given position - take as a given attitude - take as a given approach - take as a given outlook - take as a given mindset - take as a given frame of mind - take as a given presumption - take as a given supposition - take as a given hypothesis - take as a given conjecture - take as a given inference - take as a given deduction - take as a given conclusion - take as a given judgment - take as a given estimation

To take for granted means to assume that something is true, real, or certain without questioning it or appreciating its value. It often involves a lack of appreciation or recognition of something that is reliable or available to the extent that its absence could cause discomfort or problems.

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