takes up the task Synonym

Synonyme takes up the task

assumes the responsibility - undertakes the task - takes on the task - accepts the challenge - shoulders the responsibility - embraces the task - commits to the task - engages in the task - tackles the task - handles the task - takes charge of the task - takes on the responsibility - assumes the duty - takes on the duty - accepts the duty - undertakes the responsibility - takes on the challenge - assumes the challenge - accepts the task - takes on the role - assumes the role - takes on the job - accepts the job - undertakes the job - shoulders the task - takes up the challenge - takes up the responsibility - takes up the duty - takes up the role - takes up the job

Taking up a task involves accepting or undertaking a particular job, responsibility, or assignment. It signifies the beginning of one’s involvement in a specific activity or duty that needs to be completed. This action often suggests a proactive approach, readiness to engage, and commitment to achieving the set goals or completing the necessary work.

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