6 synonym groups for Zerstörung

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Synonyms on the topic Zerstörung


Zerstörung, Chaos, Verwüstung, Unordnung, Durcheinander, Tumult, Wirbel, Aufruhr, Lärm, Unruhe, Trubel, Wirrwarr, Desaster, Katastrophe, Chaoszustand, Unheil, Bedrohung, Störung, V... [more]

in a state of havoc

chaotic, disordered, tumultuous, turbulent, anarchic, confused, messy, disorganized, unruly, wild, lawless, frenzied, pandemonium, bedlam, uproarious, riotous, helter-skelter, topsy-turvy, in turmoil,... [more]

in a state of ruin

dilapidated, decayed, decrepit, derelict, ramshackle, ruined, tumbledown, broken-down, crumbling, deteriorated, neglected, shabby, battered, worn-out, wrecked, in disrepair, in shambles, falling apart... [more]

the destroyer

annihilator, demolisher, ravager, ruiner, obliterator, devastator, wrecker, eradicator, exterminator, terminator, crusher, despoiler, desolator, vandal, leveler, razer, subverter, saboteur, annihilate... [more]


explosives, ordnance, munitions, shells, grenades, charges, devices, warheads, projectiles, missiles, mines, torpedoes, depth charges, IEDs, booby traps, demolition charges, firebombs, incendiaries, c... [more]


eliminated, exterminated, wiped out, obliterated, removed, destroyed, annihilated, extinguished, abolished, erased, uprooted, extirpated, purged, rooted out, stamped out, quashed, liquidated, decimate... [more]