42 synonym groups for Well

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Synonyms on the topic Well


wellig, schimmernd, fließend, zitternd, bewegend, wellenförmig, sanft, unruhig, lebhaft, fluktuierend, schaukelnd, pulsierend, strömend, schwingend, glitzernd, wabbelnd, wellend, schau... [more]


unhealthy, frail, weak, ailing, feeble, delicate, infirm, unwell, debilitated, wan, pallid, peaked, puny, sick, indisposed, poorly, under the weather, peaky, fragile, languid, listless, enervated, was... [more]

places of residence

homes, dwellings, abodes, houses, accommodations, lodgings, residences, domiciles, habitations, quarters, apartments, flats, condos, shelters, habitats, living quarters, pads, cribs, nests, lairs, man... [more]

cross tie

railroad tie, sleeper, crosstie, railway tie, railroad sleeper, railway sleeper

famous person

celebrity, star, icon, luminary, notable, public figure, VIP, big name, personality, legend, superstar, household name, well-known figure, renowned person, famous figure, prominent person, distinguish... [more]

reduces stress

reduces-the-stress, alleviates-the-stress, lessens-the-stress, eases-the-stress, mitigates-the-stress, relieves-the-stress, decreases-the-stress, lightens-the-stress, soothes-the-stress, abates-the-st... [more]


wave, undulation, oscillation, fluctuation, vibration, pulsation,or, quiver, shiver, tremble, wavelet, surge, swell, billow, eddy, current, flow, stream, tide, wash, roll, heave, ruffle, wrinkle, crea... [more]

living space

habitat, dwelling, residence, abode, home, domicile, quarters, lodging, accommodation, habitation, house, apartment, flat, condo, condominium, suite, pad, place, shelter, nest, lair, den, digs, room,... [more]


surge, swell, wave, roll, undulate, heave, ripple, bulge, balloon, puff, expand, rise, flow, stream, gush, pour, cascade, overflow, brim, brim over, spout, jet, spurt, shoot, spew, erupt, burst, explo... [more]


outgrows, surpasses, exceeds, transcends, outstr, overtakes, outpaces outdistances, outmatches, outshines, outclasses, outperforms, outdoes, eclipses, leaves behind, outstrides, outleaps, outjumps, ou... [more]

signing off

logging out, disconnecting, exiting, leaving, quitting, shutting down, closing, departing, finishing, terminating, ending, wrapping up, logging off, signing out, saying goodbye, checking out, clocking... [more]

attain a balanced state

achieve equilibrium, reach stability, find balance, attain harmony, achieve steadiness, reach a balanced condition, achieve a stable state, attain steadiness, reach a state of balance, achieve a balan... [more]

Moderate the anxiety

alleviate-the-anxiety, ease-the-anxiety, reduce-the-anxiety, lessen-the-anxiety, mitigate-the-anxiety, relieve-the-anxiety, diminish-the-anxiety, soothe-the-anxiety, calm-the-anxiety, temper-the-anxie... [more]

dampen the stress

reduce stress, alleviate stress, ease stress, lessen stress, mitigate stress, relieve stress, diminish, decrease stress, lower stress, soothe stress, calm stress, moderate stress, allay stress, assuag... [more]

defuse the stress

alleviate-the-stress, reduce-the-stress, ease-the-stress, relieve-the-stress, diminish-the-stress, lessen-the-stress, mitigate-the-stress, calm-the-stress, soothe-the-stress, lighten-the-stress, decre... [more]