15 synonym groups for Wechsel

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Synonyms on the topic Wechsel


abwechselnd, unterschiedlich, variabel, wechselnd, divers, mannigig, abweichend, verschieden, ungleich, facettenreich, differierend, schwankend, gemischt, vielfältig, heterogen, wechselhaft, vari... [more]



change of residence

Umzug, Wohnungswechsel, Wohnortwechsel, Wohnsitzverlegung, Ortswechsel, Standortwechsel, Adressänderung, Wohnortverlagerung, Wohnsitzwechsel, Umzugsaktion, Wohnungsumzug, Wohnortänderung, Wo... [more]


interconnecting, linking, associating, correlating, relating, connecting, intertwining, integrating, interweaving, networking, interacting, merging, combining, blending, fusing, uniting, joining, coup... [more]


interchangeability, substitutability, replaceability, fungibility, equivalence, exchangeability, convertibility, commutability, mutuality, reciprocity, alternativeness, substitutiveness, reversibility... [more]


exchange, interchange, return, repayment, reciprocation, mutuality, reciprocity, give-and-take, trade-off, quid pro quo, recompense, retribution, counteraction, counterbalance, correspondence, equival... [more]


connect, link, associate, correlate, intertwine, interconnect, relate, tie, bind, mesh, integrate, network, couple, join, unite, combine, merge, fuse, coalesce, interface, interact, interweave, interl... [more]


molting, sloughing, casting off, peeling, flaking, exfoliating, losing, discarding, dropping, shedding skin, shedding hair, shedding leaves, shedding fur, shedding feathers


capriciousness, instability, variability, inconstancy, unpredict, changeability, volatility, mercurialness, flightiness, wavering, vacillation, fluctuation, inconsistency, mutability, erraticism, whim... [more]

on and off

sporadisch, unregelmäßig, wechselhaft, zeitweise, intermittierend, phasenweise, gelegentlich, ab und zu, hin und wieder, episodisch, diskontinuierlich, unterbrochen, nicht kontinuierlich, n... [more]

get it muddled

confuse, mix up, jumble, misinterpret, misunderstand, garble, scramble, tangle, misread, misconstrue, misapprehend, misjudge, miscalculate, miscomprehend, misperceive, misreckon, bungle, botch, flub,... [more]

change stance

Meinungswechsel, Haltungsänderung, Standpunktänderung, Positionswechsel, Gesinnungswandel, Kursänderung, Richtungswechsel, Perspektivwechsel, Sinneswandel, Umdenken, Neuausrichtung, Neu... [more]

switch sides

change sides, flip sides, swap sides, shift sides, change allegiance, change position, change stance, change loyalties, change teams, defect, turncoat, change direction, change orientation, change vie... [more]


reverse, flip, turn around, transpose, upend, overturn, switch, change, alter, modify, transform, convert, reverse-engineer, reorient, rotate, mirror, counterchange, inverse, revert, backtrack, undo,... [more]


switch, flip, change, shift, alternate, interchange, swap, convert, adjust, modify