42 synonym groups for Weaknesses

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Synonyms on the topic Weaknesses

bringing to the surface weaknesses

exposing weaknesses, revealing weaknesses, uncovering weaknesses, highlighting weaknesses, disclosing weaknesses, unmasking weaknesses, identifying weaknesses, bringing to light weaknesses, laying bar... [more]

bringing to the forefront the weaknesses

highlighting the weaknesses, emphasizing the weaknesses, underscoring the weaknesses, spotlighting the weaknesses, drawing attention to the weaknesses, exposing the weaknesses, revealing the weaknesse... [more]

pertaining to the weaknesses

related to the flaws, concerning the deficiencies, regarding the shortcomings, associated with the vulnerabilities, connected to the frailties, linked to the imperfections, about the limitations, invo... [more]

elaborating on the weaknesses

expounding on the weaknesses, detailing the weaknesses, explaining the weaknesses, clarifying the weaknesses, elucidating the weaknesses, expanding on the weaknesses, illustrating the weaknesses, desc... [more]

talking about the weaknesses

discussing the flaws, addressing the shortcomings, highlighting the deficiencies, pointing out the weaknesses, examining the faults, analyzing the drawbacks, identifying the limitations, reviewing the... [more]

bringing to light the vulnerabilities

exposing the weaknesses, revealing the flaws, uncovering the deficiencies, highlighting the vulnerabilities, disclosing the weaknesses, bringing out the flaws, shedding light on the vulnerabilities, p... [more]

spotlighting the weaknesses

hervorheben der Schwächen, aufzeigen der Schwächen, betonen der Schwächen, herausstellen der Schwächen, verdeutlichen der Schwächen, offenlegen der Schwächen, aufdecken d... [more]

scrutinizing the vulnerabilities

examining the weaknesses, analyzing the flaws, inspecting the vulnerabilities, assessing the weaknesses, evaluating the flaws, investigating the vulnerabilities, probing the weaknesses, reviewing the... [more]

focusing on the weak points

targeting vulnerabilities, concentrating on weaknesses, addressing flaws, honing in on deficiencies, emphasizing shortcomings, pinpointing weak spots, zeroing in on faults, highlighting imperfections,... [more]

Addressing the weaknesses

tackling the weaknesses, dealing with the weaknesses, confronting the weaknesses, handling the weaknesses, managing the weaknesses, addressing the shortcomings, tackling the shortcomings, dealing with... [more]

calling attention to the weaknesses

highlighting the flaws, pointing out the deficiencies, emphasizing the shortcomings, drawing attention to the faults, underlining the weaknesses, exposing the vulnerabilities, showcasing the limitatio... [more]

exhibiting the flaws

revealing the flaws, showing the flaws, displaying the flaws, exposing the flaws, highlighting the flaws, uncovering the flaws, demonstrating the flaws, presenting the flaws, pointing out the flaws, b... [more]

establishing the weaknesses

identifying the weaknesses, determining the weaknesses, pinpointing the weaknesses, uncovering the weaknesses, revealing the weaknesses, exposing the weaknesses, diagnosing the weaknesses, detecting t... [more]

revealing flaws

aufdecken von Mängeln, offenlegen von Schwächen, enthüllen von Fehlern, aufzeigen von Defiziten, bloßlegen von Unzulänglichkeiten, offenbaren von Schwachstellen, darlegen von... [more]

bringing into the open the weaknesses

exposing the weaknesses, revealing the weaknesses, uncovering the weaknesses, disclosing the weaknesses, laying bare the weaknesses, bringing to light the weaknesses, unmasking the weaknesses, unveili... [more]