15 synonym groups for Vigor

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Synonyms on the topic Vigor


enthusiastic, fervent, passionate, ardent, eager, fervid, devoted, dedicated, committed, keen, intense, fanatical, avid, vigorous, energetic, spirited, wholehearted, earnest, driven, motivated, gung-h... [more]

full of energy

energetic, lively, vigorous, dynamic, spirited, vibrant, enthusiastic, animated, peppy, zestful, exuberant, high-spirited, bouncy, effervescent, vivacious, perky, sprightly, active, tireless, indefati... [more]

refresh the mind

rejuvenate, revitalize, invigorate, energize, stimulate renew, refresh, recharge, enliven, awaken, restore, revive, uplift, boost, reenergize, reinvigorate, perk up, pep up, give a new lease of life,... [more]


dynamic, lively, vigorous, active, spirited, vibrant, enthusiastic, animated, peppy, zestful, forceful, tireless, bouncy, high-spirited, exuberant, effervescent, full of life, full of energy, hyper, p... [more]


energies, liveliness, vigor, dynamism, zest, robustness, stamina, strength, endurance, vitality, pep, animation, spirit, exuberance, life force, vivacity, drive, enthusiasm, resilience, power, force,... [more]


energy, vigor, liveliness, dynamism, zest, spirit, animation, exuberance, enthusiasm, pep, verve, life, vivacity, buoyancy, robustness, strength, stamina, endurance, resilience, drive, force, power, g... [more]


invigorating, refreshing, stimulating, energizing, revitalizing, exhilarating, fortifying, strengthening, bracing, reinvigorating, enlivening, rejuvenating, brisk, fresh, crisp, cool, brisking, tonic,... [more]


invigorating, revitalizing, rejuvenating, bracing, stimulating, energizing, exhilarating, fresh, cool, crisp, renewing, enlivening, reinvigorating, restorative, refeshing, reviving, uplifting, refresh... [more]


refreshing, revitalizing, rejuvenating, invigorating, renewing, energizing stimulating, reviving, restoring, enlivening, bracing, replenishing, recharging


vivacity, liveliness, quickness, speed, agility, swiftness, alacrity, promptness, sprightliness, energy, vigor, briskity, alertness, nimbleness, zest, pep, enthusiasm, vitality, hustle, rapidity, read... [more]


powerful, strong, vigorous, assertive, dynamic, potent, compelling, intense, emphatic, robust, mighty, energetic, fierce, determined, resolute, commanding, authoritative, insistent, persuasive, aggres... [more]


vivacity, liveliness, energy, animation, exuberance, vitality, zest, buoyancy, effervescence, spiritedness, enthusiasm, pep, vigor, dynamism, briskness, alacrity, alertness, nimbleness, agility, perki... [more]


vigorously, actively, dynamically, forcefully, powerfully, spiritedly, briskly, enthusiastically, zealously, fervently, strenuously, robustly, intensely, vivaciously, animatedly, eagerly, passionately... [more]


vivacity, liveliness, energy, enthusiasm, vigor, zest, dynamism, animation, exuberance, pep, vitality, buoyancy, effervescence, gusto, fervor, zeal, ardor, passion, drive, verve, spunk, sprightliness,... [more]


healthy, robust, strong, vigorous, fit, sound, well, hearty, flourishing, thriving, hardy, sturdy, resilient, in good shape, in good health, blooming, in fine fettle, in the pink, in top form, in prim... [more]