11 synonym groups for Vigilant

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Synonyms on the topic Vigilant

observant of the changes

attentive to the changes, aware of the changes, mindful of the changes, conscious of the changes, alert to the changes, vigilant of the changes, watchful of the changes, heedful of the changes, percep... [more]

be on guard

vigilant, watchful, alert, cautious, wary, attentive, observant, on the lookout, on the alert, on the watch, on one's guard, circumspect, heedful, mindful, leery, chary, awake, aware, ready, prep... [more]

is on the alert for

auf-der-Hut-sein, wachsam-sein, aufmerksam-sein, aufpassen, achtgeben, vorsichtig-sein, gewahr-sein, achtsam-sein, auf-der-Lauer-liegen, auf-der-Wacht-sein, auf-der-Obacht-sein, auf-der-Wache-sein, au... [more]

be on the qui vive

be alert, be vigilant, be watchful, be on guard, be attentive, be cautious, be wary, be on the lookout, be observant, be on the watch, be on the alert, be on one's toes, keep an eye out, stay sha... [more]

be vigilant about

be-cautious-about, be-watchful-about, be-alert-about, be-wary-of, be-on-guard-about, be-mful-of, be-attentive-to be-careful-about, be-observant-of, be-aware-of


vigilant, watchful, alert, observant, attentive, on guard, on the watch, on the alert, wary, cautious, eagle-eyed, sharp-eyed, wide-awake, on one's toes, on the qui vive, on the ball, quick off t... [more]

on the alert

vigilant, watchful, attentive, observant, alert, cautious, wary, on guard, on the lookout, on one's toes, ready, prepared, aware, sharp-eyed, eagle-eyed, quick to notice, on the qui vive, on the... [more]


alert, conscious, aware, wakeful, vigilant, attentive, roused, aroused, up, stirring, active, lively, cognizant, observant, perceptive, responsive, sharp, bright, quick, on the ball, on one's toe... [more]


attentive, mindful, observant, alert, watchful, vigilant, cautious, careful, aware, conscientious, perceptive, considerate, circumspect, wary, prudent, discerning, heedful


conscious, cognizant, mindful, alert, attentive, vigilant, observant, perceptive, informed, knowledgeable, apprised, sentient, sensible, awake, heedful, wary, watchful, alive, responsive, acquainted,... [more]