18 synonym groups for Versöhnung

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Synonyms on the topic Versöhnung

make amends

versöhnen, entschädigen, wiedergutmachen, gutmachen, reparieren, ausgleichen, entschuldigen, wieder gutmachen, versüßen, wiederherstellen, klarstellen, bereinigen, abfen, wieder i... [more]

smoothing over the disagreement

resolving the conflict, settling the dispute, mending fences, patching things up, making peace, reconciling differences, ironing out the issues, bridging the gap, healing the rift, finding common grou... [more]

facilitating a resolution

mediating a solution, aiding a settlement, assisting in resolving, helping to resolve, promoting a resolution, supporting a solution, enabling a resolution, fostering a settlement, encouraging a resol... [more]

create peace

establish-peace, make-peace, bring-peace, foster-peace, promote-peace, achieve-peace, secure-peace, build-peace, cultivate-peace, generate-peace, initiate-peace, instill-peace, maintain-peace, nurture... [more]

settles the feud

resolves-the-conflict, ends-the-dispute, reconciles, makes-peace, mediates, arbitrates, settles-the-dispute, resolves-the-argument, ends-the-feud, resolves-the-difference, settles-the-argument, resolv... [more]

settles the quarrel

mediates, reconciles, resolves, arbitrates, negotiates, pacifies, harmonizes, intervenes, adjudicates, mitigates, appeases, placates, mollifies, compromises, rectifies, balances, calms, soothes, allev... [more]

making amends

atonement, reparation, restitution, redress, compensation, penance, expiation, recompense, apology, amends, satisfaction, indemnity, remedy, rectification, correction, adjustment, settlement, appeasem... [more]


reconciliation, repairing relationships, making amends, patching things up, restoring harmony, bridging differences, healing rifts, smoothing things over, making peace, settling differences, rebuildin... [more]


reconciliation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, diplomacy, negotiation, peacemaking, conflict resolution, bridge-building, peacebuilding, détente, truce, armistice, pacification, appeasem... [more]

making peace

reconciliation, truce, armistice, settlement, conciliation, accord, harmony, pacification, détente, appeasement, resolution, compromise, understanding, agreement, rapprochement, amity, ceasefir... [more]

resolve a grudge

settle a dispute, make peace, reconcile, bury the hatchet, mend fences, make amends, clear the air, patch things up, smooth things over, resolve differences, come to terms, reach an understanding, mak... [more]

decrease conflict

reduce-conflict, mitigate-conflict, lessen-conflict, diminish-conflict, alleviate-conflict, minimize-conflict, lower-conflict, ease-conflict, abate-conflict, defuse-conflict, resolve-conflict, de-esca... [more]


harmonize, resolve, settle, mend, patch up, make peace, bring together, reunite, conciliate, accommodate, adjust, balance, compose, rectify, arbitrate, mediate, negotiate, placate, appease, pacify, mo... [more]

reconcile divergences

harmonize-differences, resolve-discrepancies, bridge-gaps, settle-disputes, align-variances, mediate-conflicts, unify-differences, balance-discrepancies, integrate-differences, smooth-out-differences,... [more]

settle the trouble

resolve the issue, solve the problem, fix the issue, address the problem, settle the matter, clear up the issue, sort out the problem, rectify the issue, remedy the problem, iron out the issue, deal w... [more]