4 synonym groups for Unresolved

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Synonyms on the topic Unresolved

Be up in the air

uncertain, undecided, unresolved, pending, unsettled, indefinite, undetermined, in limbo, open-ended, ambiguous, unclear, unsure, in question, in doubt, not settled, not fixed, not decided, not resolv... [more]

up-in-the-air, not settled

uncertain, undecided, unresolved, pending, indefinite, unsettled ambiguous, unclear, inbo, undetermined, open-ended, provisional, tentative, unconfirmed, doubtful, questionable, iffy, speculative, une... [more]

not settled

unresolved, undecided, pending, unsettled, undetermined, open, uncertain, incomplete, unfinished, ongoing, in progress, up in the air, in limbo, provisional, temporary, tentative, indefinite, ambiguou... [more]

not decided

undecided, unresolved, uncertain, pending, unconfirmed, unsettled, open, ambiguous, indefinite, unclear, wavering, hesitant, unsure, in limbo, up in the air, in abeyance, in doubt, in question, on the... [more]