17 synonym groups for Unentschlossen

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Synonyms on the topic Unentschlossen


unentschlossen, lustlos, halbherzig, indifferent, schwach, unmotiviert, zögerlich, unengagiert,üchtig, oberflächlich, unbest, unentschieden, wenig begeistert nachlässig, unwillig u... [more]

be undecided about

be uncertain about, be unsure about, be in doubt about, be ambivalent about, be torn about, be conflicted about, be hesitant about, be wavering about, be irresolute about, be on the fence about, be in... [more]

lack of goal

aimlessness, purposelessness, directionlessness, indecision, uncertainty, vagueness, irresolution, unclarity, lack of direction, lack of purpose, lack of focus, lack of aim, lack of intent, lack of ob... [more]


hesitation, indecision, uncertainty, doubt, wavering, vacillation, reluctance, irresolution, pause, delay, faltering, dithering, tentativeness, shilly-shallying, second thoughts, misgivings, qualms, s... [more]


reluctant, uncertain, indecisive, tentative, wavering, unsure, doubtful, apprehensive, cautious, faltering, vacillating, unconfident, halting, ambivalent, irresolute, timid, skittish, diffident, teete... [more]

be in uncertainty about

be unsure about, be uncertain about, be doubtful about, be indecisive about, be hesitant about, be ambivalent about, be in doubt about, be unclear about, be undecided about, be in two minds about, be... [more]

be in a state of ambivalence

be torn, be conflicted, be undecided, be uncertain, be unsure, be two minds, be on the fence, have mixed feelings, be ambivalent, be irresolute, be wavering, be hesitant, be doubtful, be indecisive, b... [more]


waver, hesitate, fluctuate, oscillate, dither, teeter, falter, sway, seesaw, waffle, equivocate, alternate, change, shift, stagger, swing, yo-yo, hem and haw, be indecisive, be uncertain, be unsure, b... [more]

be conflicted

torn, undecided, ambivalent, uncertain, hesitant, wav, irresolute, unsure, doubtful, in two minds, on the fence, at odds, in a quandary, in a dilemma, vacillating, mixed feelings, puzzled, perplexed,... [more]


pauses, delays, uncertainties, indecisions, doubts, reservations, qualms, second thoughts, wavering, vacillations, reluctances, misgivings, scruples, falterings, stammerings, stutterings, halts, inter... [more]

lack of sureness

uncertainty, doubt, indecision, hesitation, insecurity, ambivalence, skepticism, mistrust, apprehension, suspicion, unease, wariness, irresolution, vacillation, tentativeness, qualm, misgiving, dubiet... [more]

be in a state of hesitation

waver, dither, vacillate, falter, oscillate, fluctuate, be indecisive, be uncertain, be unsure, be ambivalent, be torn, be in two minds, be on the fence, hem and haw, equivocate, temporize, procrastin... [more]


dithering, vacillating, wavering, hesitating, indecision, faltering, shilly-shallying, equivocating, waffling, procrastinating, stalling, temporizing, delaying, dawdling, shuffling, pussyfooting, beat... [more]

not willing

unwillig, widerwillig, abgeneigt, nicht bereit, nichtigt, nicht gewillt, nicht willens, nicht bereitwillig, nicht geneigt sein, nicht willig


hesitating, wavering, stumbling, stammering, uncertain, unsure, indecisive, unsteady, shaky, halting, vacillating, fluctuating, faltering, dithering, teetering, quavering, trembling, insecure, tentati... [more]