26 synonym groups for Uncovering

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Synonyms on the topic Uncovering

bringing to the surface the reasons

revealing the reasons, uncovering the reasons, exposing the reasons, disclosing the reasons, unearthing the reasons, bringing to light the reasons, highlighting the reasons, elucidating the reasons, c... [more]

revealing the motives

disclosing the motives, uncovering the motives, exposing the motives, unveiling the motives, showing the motives, divulging the motives, unmasking the motives, laying bare the motives, bringing to lig... [more]

uncovering the risks

revealing the risks, exposing the risks, disclosing the risks, unmask the risks, unveiling the risks, bringing to light the risks, laying bare the risks, bringing out the risks, bringing to the surfac... [more]

discovering the crime

uncovering the crime, detecting the crime, exposing the crime, revealing the crime, finding the crime, unearthing the crime, identifying the crime, disclosing the crime, unveiling the crime, bringing... [more]

uncovering the troubles

revealing the problems, exposing the issues, unmasking the difficulties, disclosing the challenges, unveiling the, bringing to light the troubles, laying bare the complications, uncovering the difficu... [more]

unravelling the ruse

exposing the deception, uncovering the trick, revealing the fraud, disclosing the hoax, unmasking the deceit, detecting the subterfuge, discovering the sham, unveiling the pretense, unmasking the char... [more]

discovering the secret

uncovering the secret, revealing the secret, finding out the secret, unearthing the secret, exposing the secret, disclosing the secret, unveiling the secret, bringing to light the secret, detecting th... [more]

uncovering the drawbacks

revealing the disadvantages, exposing the flaws highlighting the weaknesses, identifying the shortcomings, pointing out the cons, bringing to light the negatives, unmasking the faults, disclosing the... [more]

discovering the mystery

uncovering the enigma, revealing the secret, solving the puzzle, unearthing the mystery, deciphering the riddle, unveiling the mystery, cracking the code, exposing the mystery, unraveling the mystery,... [more]

uncovering the contradictions

exposing the inconsistencies, revealing the contradictions, unmasking the discrepancies, disclosing the contradictions, unveiling the inconsistencies, bringing to light the contradictions, highlightin... [more]

revealing the discrepancies

exposing-the-inconsistencies, uncovering-the-differences, highlighting-the-variations, pointing-out-the-discrepancies, showing-the-contradictions, revealing-the-contradictions, identifying-the-inconsi... [more]


searching, investigating, probing, exploring, examining, delving, inquiring, scrutinizing, hunting, seeking, scouring, sifting, rummaging, uncovering, detecting, discovering, unearthing, tracking, pur... [more]

bringing out the falsehoods

exposing lies, revealing falsehoods, uncovering deceit, debunking myths, disclosing untruths, unmasking deception, laying bare lies, outing falsehoods, bringing to light lies, revealing the truth, exp... [more]

Revealing the Deceit

exposing-the-lie, uncovering-the-fraud, unmasking-the-deception, disclosing-the-trickery, revealing-the-fraudulence, unveiling-the-deception, bringing-to-light-the-deceit, laying-bare-the-fraud, outin... [more]

exposing the fraud, the deception

exposing the fraud, revealing the deception, uncovering the fraud, disclosing the deception, unmasking the fraud, bringing the deception to light, laying bare the fraud, outing the deception, bringing... [more]