170 synonym groups for Truth

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Synonyms on the topic Truth

bringing to light the veridical actualities

revealing the true facts, uncovering the real truths, exposing the genuine realities, disclosing the authentic facts, bringing out the actual truths, unveiling the true realities, laying bare the real... [more]

revealing the intentions

disclosing the intentions, exposing the intentions, uncovering the intentions, unveiling the intentions, showing the intentions, manifesting the intentions, demonstrating the intentions, indicating th... [more]

spreading the truth

disseminating the truth, sharing the truth, broadcasting the truth, revealing the truth, exposing the truth, communicating the truth, distributing the truth, propagating the truth, publicizing the tru... [more]

nullifying the misconceptions

dispelling the misconceptions, debunking the misconceptions, refuting the misconceptions, disproving the misconceptions, correcting the misconceptions, invalidating the misconceptions, countering the... [more]


truthfully, sincerely, candidly, openly, frankly, genuinely, straightforwardly, forthrightly, plainly, bluntly, directly, unreservedly, unpretentiously, unaffectedly, artlessly, guilelessly, ingenuous... [more]

rejecting the misconceptions

disproving the misconceptions, debunking the misconceptions, refuting the misconceptions, dismissing the misconceptions, invalidating the misconceptions, countering the misconceptions, challenging the... [more]

revealing the secret truth

disclosing the hidden reality, uncovering the concealed truth, exposing the secret fact unveiling the hidden truth, revealing the concealed reality, disclosing the secret fact, uncovering the hidden t... [more]

revealing the undisclosed truth

revealing the hidden truth, uncovering the concealed truth, exposing the undis truth, disclosing the hidden truth, unveiling the secret truth, bringing to light the hidden truth, unmasking the conceal... [more]

bringing to the surface the secret truth

revealing, uncovering, exposing, disclosing, unmasking, unveiling, divulging, unearthing, bringing to light, laying bare, bringing out, bringing forth, bringing into the open, making known, making pub... [more]

bringing into the open the concealed truth

revealing, disclosing, uncovering, exposing, unveiling, unmasking, divulging, unearthing, to light, laying bare, bringing to the surface, bringing out, making known, making public, letting out, lettin... [more]

bringing into the open the undisclosed truth

revealing the hidden truth, uncovering the undisclosed truth, exposing the hidden truth, disclosing the undisclosed truth, unveiling the hidden truth, bringing to light the undisclosed truth, making k... [more]

bringing to the foreground the truth

highlighting the truth, emphasizing the truth, underscoring the truth, spotlighting the truth, showcasing the truth, drawing attention to the truth, bringing the truth to light, revealing the truth, e... [more]

bringing the truth to the public's consciousness

revealing the truth, exposing the truth, disclosing the truth, uncovering the truth, bringing the truth to light, making the truth known, informing the public, enlightening the public, educating the p... [more]

finding the correct answer

discovering the right solution, identifying the correct response, determining the right answer, locating the correct solution, pinpointing the right answer, uncovering the correct response, ascertaini... [more]

bringing untruths to light

exposing lies, revealing falsehoods, uncovering deceit, disclosing fabrications, unmasking dishonesty, unveiling deceptions, bringing falsehoods to light, outing untruths, laying bare lies, bringing d... [more]