23 synonym groups for Treffen

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Synonyms on the topic Treffen


übertreffend, übersteigend, überragend, übermäßig, überflüssig, übertrieben, überbordend, überzählig, überfließend, übertre... [more]


outstrip, surpass, exceed, overtake, eclipse, outdo outmatch, transcend, better, beat, outdistance, leave behind, outshine, outclass, outgun, outpace, advance, progress, excel, rise above, go beyond

On the nose

treffend, genau, präzise, punktgenau, exakt,reffend, direkt, klar, unmissverständlich, offensichtlich, eindeutig, schnörkellos, unverblümt, ungeschönt, ohne Umschweife, direkt... [more]

on the money

genau, treffend, präzise, richtig, passend,, zutreffend, angemessen adäquat, genau richtig, punktgenau, schlüssig, wahrheitsgemäß, verlässlich, zuverlässig authenti... [more]


Rendezvous, Treffen, Verabredung, Liebnacht, heimliches, Affäre, Liaison, Beziehung, Begegnung, Flirt, Techtelmechtel, amouröse Verbindung, geheime Zusammenkunft, Zweisamkeit, Intimität... [more]

Goes over

überquert, überschreitet, durchquert, übergeht, überläuft, übersteigt, überbrückt, überführt, überträgt, überfliegt, überholt, &uu... [more]

inaccurate information

false information, incorrect information, erroneous information, misleading information, wrong information, imprecise information, untrue information, faulty information, unreliable information, mista... [more]


outstrip, surpass, exceed, outdo, outshine, eclipse, outclass, outmatch, outpace, outrun, outmaneuver, outwit, outperform, transcend, top, beat, best, leave behind, get ahead of, beyond, overtake, out... [more]


surpasses, excels, outshines, outperforms, eclipses,ends, beats, bests, exceeds, outdoes, outstrips, tops, trumps, outdistances, outmatches, outpaces, outmanoeuvres, outwits, outsmarts, outplays, outg... [more]


outstrips, surpasses, exceeds, outdistances, outperforms, outmatches, outdoes, overtakes, outshines, eclipses, transcends, betters, tops, outclasses, outmaneuvers, leaves behind, outgoes, outstrides,... [more]


outperforms, surpasses, exceeds, outdoes, eclipses, outshines, beats, trumps, bests, overtakes, outclasses, outstrips, outdistances, outpaces, outmatches, outmaneuvers, outwits, outsmarts, outplays, o... [more]


diminished, overshadowed, minimized, belittled, reduced, shrunken, contracted, lessened, downplayed, underplayed, subordinated, outshone, eclipsed, obscured, stunted, small, tiny, undersized, insignif... [more]


outwits, outmaneuvers, outthinks, outfoxes, outguesses, outplays, outclasses, outperforms, outshines, surpasses, bests, defeats, trumps, excels, overcomes, outdoes, outdistances, outpaces, outstrips,... [more]


surpasses, exceeds, outstrips, outshines, outdoes, eclipses, outclasses, outperforms, goes beyond, rises above, overcomes, outdistances, overtops, outmatches, outpaces, outshadows, outbalances, outman... [more]

arrive at a reasonable decision

make-a-sound-judgment, reach-a-logical-conclusion, come-to-a-sensible-decision, make-a-rational-choice, arrive-at-a-logical-decision, reach-a-sound-decision, come-to-a-reasonable-conclusion, make-an-i... [more]