26 synonym groups for Thought

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Synonyms on the topic Thought

contemplating the best response

pondering the best response, considering the best response, reflecting on the best response, deliberating the best response, mulling over the best response, thinking about the best response, weighing... [more]

reflecting on the best answer

pondering the best response, considering the best reply, contemplating the best answer, thinking about the best solution, mulling over the best response, deliberating the best answer, reviewing the be... [more]

suggesting a thought

proposing an idea, offering a notion, presenting a concept, putting forward a thought, recommending an idea, suggesting a notion, advancing a thought, introducing a concept, bringing up an idea, posit... [more]

pondering the issue

contemplating the issue, considering the issue, reflecting on the issue, deliberating the issue, mulling over the issue, thinking about the issue, weighing the issue, examining the issue, analyzing th... [more]

meditating on a topic

reflecting, contemplating, pondering, musing, considering, deliberating, ruminating, thinking, cogitating, brooding speculating, examining analyzing, studying, reviewing, weighing, scrutinizing, evalu... [more]

reflecting on the topic

pondering the topic considering the topic, the topic, thinking the topic, m on the topic, deliberating topic, reviewing the topic examining the topic, meditating on the topic ruminating on topic, eval... [more]

reflecting on the matter

pondering the issue, considering the topic, contemplating the subject, thinking about the matter, mulling over the issue, deliberating on the topic, reviewing the situation, examining the matter, anal... [more]

musing on the issues

reflecting on the issues, contemplating the issues, pondering the issues, considering the issues, thinking about the issues, deliberating on the issues, meditating on the issues, ruminating on the iss... [more]

thinking about the matter

pondering the issue, considering the matter, reflecting on the issue, contemplating the matter, mulling over the issue, deliberating the matter, weighing the issue, examining the matter, analyzing the... [more]

pondering over the issues

contemplating the issues, considering the issues, reflecting on the issues, mulling over the issues, deliberating the issues, thinking about the issues, weighing the issues, examining the issues, anal... [more]

reflecting on an issue

pondering an issue, contemplating an issue, considering an issue, thinking about an issue, mulling over an issue, deliberating an issue, reviewing an issue, examining an issue, analyzing an issue, ass... [more]

musing over the details

pondering the details, contemplating the details, reflecting on the details, thinking about the details, considering the details, deliberating the details, ruminating on the details, meditating on the... [more]

reflecting on the arguments

pondering the arguments, considering the arguments, contemplating the arguments reviewing the arguments, examining the arguments, analyzing the arguments, assessing the arguments, evaluating the argum... [more]

reflecting on the changes

contemplating the changes, considering the changes, pondering the changes, reviewing the changes, thinking about the changes, mulling over the changes, examining the changes, assessing the changes, ev... [more]


well-meaning, benevolent, kind-hearted, good-natured, altruistic charitable, considerate, compassionate, kind, thoughtful, humane, philanthropic, generous, magnanimous, benign, caring, sympathetic, un... [more]