15 synonym groups for These

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Synonyms on the topic These


unbewiesen, nicht nachgewiesen, ungeprüft, unbestätigt, ungesichert, hypothetisch, spekulativ, fraglich, unsicher, unklar, ungewiss, unzulänglich, unzureichend, unbewährt, ungetest... [more]


Annahme, Vermutung, Hypothese, Unterstellung, Speulation, Theorie, Überlegung, Einschätzung, Vorstellung, Glauben, Meinung, Behauptung, Vorannahme, Vorurteil, Schätzung, Prognose, Vorhe... [more]


hypothesizes, speculates, conjectures, posits, proposes suggests, infers deduces, reasons, formulates, extrapolates, assumes, presumes, surmises, postulates, theorizes, envisions, anticipates, predict... [more]

promoting the theses

advocating the theses, supporting the theses,ing the theses, championing the theses, the theses, upholding the theses, advancing the theses, pushing the theses, furthering the theses, boosting the the... [more]

underlining the claims

highlighting the claims, emphasizing the claims, stressing the claims, underscoring the claims, accentuating the claims, pointing out the claims, drawing attention to the claims, spotlighting the clai... [more]


asserts, claims, suggests, proposes, hypothesizes, postulates, theorizes, contends, maintains, presumes, assumes, supposes, argues, states, affirms, declares, avers, predicates, surmises, infers, conj... [more]


parentheses, braces, square brackets, curly brackets, angle brackets, round brackets, chevrons, hooks, parens, brackets


postulating, hypothesizing, proposing, suggesting, asserting, claiming, theorizing, assuming, conjecturing, speculating, surmising, positing


theorizes, conjectures, hypothesizes, surmises, guesses, infers, assumes, presumes, supposes, postulates, imagines, opines, considers, contemplates, ponders, muses, reflects, deliberates, wonders, env... [more]

presupposed condition

Voraussetzung, Annahme, Prämisse, Bedingung, Vorbedingung, Grundannahme, Vorannahme, Hypothese, Vorraussetzung


presumptions, suppositions, beliefs, conjectures, hypotheses, inferences, expectations, premises, postulations, speculations, guesses, surmises, theories, notions, ideas, impressions, opinions, judgme... [more]


assumptions, conjectures, speculations, surmises, estimations, predictions, suppositions, inferences, hypotheses, beliefs, theories, postulations, presumptions, expectations, anticipations, forecasts,... [more]


combinations, amalgamations, integrations, fusions, unifications, blends, mixtures, compounds, coalescences, consolidations, mergings, assemblages, compositions, unions, incorporations, conglomeration... [more]


assumptions, suppositions, theories, conjectures, speculations, postulations, premises, propositions, guesses, surmises, inferences, presumptions, beliefs, ideas, notions, postulates


theory, supposition, assumption, conjecture, speculation, guess, postulate, premise, proposition, surmise, thesis, notion, idea, belief, presumption, inference, interpretation, suggestion, possibility... [more]