8 synonym groups for Testing

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Synonyms on the topic Testing

validating the ideas

verifying the concepts, confirming the notions, substantiating the thoughts, authenticating the theories, corroborating the ideas, affirming the hypotheses, validating the concepts, endorsing the idea... [more]

finding bugs

Fehlersuche, Fehlererkennung, Fehlerfindung, Bug-Suche, Bug-Erkennung, Bug-Findung, Debugging, Fehlerdiagnose, Fehleranalyse, Bug-Analyse, Bug-Diagnose, Fehlerbehebung, Bug-Behebung, Fehleridentifikat... [more]

locating faults

Fehlersuche, Fehlererkennung, Fehlerdiagnose, Fehlerlokalisierung, Störungssuche, Störungserkennung, Störungsdiagnose, Störungslokalisierung, Defektsuche, Defekterkennung, Defektdi... [more]

bringing out the errors

debugging, troubleshooting, error detection, fault finding, bug fixing, error correction, problem solving, issue identification, defect identification, anomaly detection, error tracing, fault diagnosi... [more]


complaining, grumbling, whining, moaning, griping, bellyaching, kvetching, carping, bitching, lamenting, protesting, objecting, murmuring, muttering, fretting, fussing, whinging, beefing, railing, nag... [more]


competing, contending, contesting, rivaling, battling, struggling, fighting, striving, jostling, grappling, scrapping, tussling, sparring, clashing, dueling, wrangling, bickering, quarreling, disputin... [more]


testing, trial, experimentation, research, analysis, examination, investigation, study, probe exploration

trial runs

test-runs, dry-runs, practice-runs, pilot-runs trial-tests, test-phases,-tests, mock-runs, rehearsal-runs, experimental-runs, shakedown-runs, beta-tests, preliminary-tests, pre-tests, trial-experiment... [more]