22 synonym groups for Talk

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Synonyms on the topic Talk


chattering, prattling, babbling, jabbering, rambling, gabbing, yakking, gossiping, nattering, yapping, mouthing off, running off at the mouth, spilling the beans, shooting the breeze, talking nonsense... [more]


talkative, chatty, garrulous, verbose, wordy, voluble, communicative, expansive, effusive, articulate, conversational, long-winded, prolix, gabby, mouthy, blabby, motor-mouthed, unreserved, forthcomin... [more]

talking about the differences

discussing the differences, comparing the differences, analyzing the differences, examining the differences, exploring the differences, debating the differences, reviewing the differences, considering... [more]


prattle, babble, chatter, drivel, gabble, gibber, jabber, ramble, twaddle, waffle, blabber, blither, yak, yap, yatter, natter, palaver, twattle, piffle, blether


chatter, prattle, babble, gab, jabber, prate, ramble, yak, yap, blather, gossip, tattle, natter, yatter, blab, twaddle, drivel, waffle, gabble, jabble, palaver, twattle, cackle, clack, clatter, rattle... [more]


verbiage, verbosity, prolixity, garrulousness, loquacity, wordiness, volubility, talkativeness, effusiveness, long-windedness, circumlocution, diffuseness, grandiloquence, garrulity, verboseness, peri... [more]


lesson, class, talk, presentation, discourse, address, speech, seminar, tutorial, briefing, instruction, teaching, exposition, oration, sermon, homily, declamation, monologue, recitation, reading, ses... [more]


loquacity, talkativeness, verbosity, volubility, chattiness, garrulity, wordiness, prolixity, effusiveness, expansiveness, communicativeness, glibness, long-windedness, babbliness, prattling, jabberin... [more]


talking, conversing, communicating, chattering, gabbing, gossiping, nattering, jawing, yakking, blathering, confabulating, discoursing, dialoguing, prattling, babbling, schmoozing, bantering, palaveri... [more]


talkative, expressive, articulate, conversational, outgoing, sociable, chatty, garrulous, loquacious, voluble, forthcoming, open, unreserved, vocal, interactive, discursive, expansive, effusive, demon... [more]


speeches, addresses, discourses, talks, lectures, sermons, presentations, homilies, declamations, monologues, harangues, perorations, allocutions, exhortations, oratories, pronouncements, statements,... [more]


parakeet, macaw, cockatoo, budgerigar, lorikeet, conure, lovebird, cockatiel, eclectus, amazon, caique, pionus, ringneck, quaker, rosella, galah, corella, lory, kea, kakapo, kakariki, monk parakeet, s... [more]


speaking, talking, voicing, expressing, articulating, pronouncing, enunciating, verbalizing, stating, declaring, announcing, proclaiming, communicating, vocalizing, saying, mentioning, remarking, asse... [more]


talkativeness, garrulousness, volubility, verbosity, wordiness, chattiness, effusiveness, prolixity, logorrhea, fluency


loquacity, talkativeness, volubility, chattiness, garrulousness