5 synonym groups for Tätigkeit

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Synonyms on the topic Tätigkeit


Lethargie, Trägheit, Faulheit, Untätigkeit,ivität, Müßiggang, Antriebslosigkeit, Bequemlichkeit, Inaktivität, Gleichgültigkeit, Apathie, Schlendrian, Nachlässi... [more]

is occupied with

is engaged in, is involved in, is busy with, is working on, is dealing with, is handling, is attending to, is focusing on, is concentrating on, is preoccupied with, is immersed in, is absorbed in, is... [more]


working, active, on the job, engaged, in service, operational, functioning, on call, available, present, on shift, at work, in action, on task, in operation, on deck, on hand, on site, in duty, in emp... [more]


functions, operates, runs, performs, acts, serves, executes, accomplishes, achieves, produces creates, constructs,ates, manufactures, composes, writes, designs, develops, builds, assembles, formulates... [more]


inactivity, idleness, inertia, dormancy, stagnation, passivity, lethargy, torpor, sloth, indolence, apathy, immobility, quiescence, sluggishness, stillness, unresponsiveness, laziness, listlessness, l... [more]