11 synonym groups for Stein

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Synonyms on the topic Stein


starren, versteinern, erstarren, lähmen, schockieren, entsetzen, erschrecken, fesseln, immobilisieren, paralysieren, verblüffen, beeindrucken, faszinieren, überwältigen, erstarren... [more]

be a component of

Teil sein von, Bestandteil sein von, Element sein von, Faktor sein von, Mitwirkender sein von, Beitrag leisten zu, Bestandteil darstellen von, Glied sein von, Aspekt sein von, Einfluss haben auf, Mits... [more]


uneben, holprig, rau, buckelig, sch, wackelig, unregelmäßig, hügelig, unruhig, stotternd, ruckelig, ungeschiffen, schau, unebenmäßig krumm, schief, unglatt, sprunghaft, unge... [more]


holes, cavities, depressions, craters, ditches, hollows, indentations, excavations, troughs, wells, voids, gaps, chasms, abysses, clefts, fissures, ruts, furrows, grooves, notches, alcoves, recesses,... [more]


erosion, degradation, decomposition, disintegration, breakdown, wear, attrition, corrosion, decay, denudation, deterioration, abrasion, crumbling, fragmentation, wearing away, wasting, weathering away... [more]


terrifying, horrifying, dreadful, alarming, fearsome, appalling, shocking, ghastly, gruesome, hideous, horrendous, monstrous, petrifying, spine-chilling, blood-curdling, nightish, awful, scary, chilli... [more]


accomplishment, success, attainment, triumph, feat, realization, fulfillment, victory, conquest, performance, completion, execution, fruition, mastery, milestone, breakthrough, win, goal, objective, p... [more]


foundation, base, bottom, groundwork, substratum, underpinning, basis, root, support, footing


tombstone, gravestone, marker, monument, memorial, stone, cenotaph


pave, stone, surface, cover, set, lay, construct, build, flag, macadamize, tarmac, asphalt, brick, tile, mosaic, patch, repair, mend


landmark, marker, boundary marker, border stone, boundary marker stone, boundary post, boundary marker post, demarcation stone, boundary pillar, boundary marker pillar