20 synonym groups for Sprung

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Synonyms on the topic Sprung

Go Headlong

stürzen, sich stürzen, sich hineinstürzen, sich kopfüber stürzen, sich hineinwerfen, sich hineinbegeben, sich auf den Weg machen, vorwärts drängen, vorwärts st&... [more]

ahead of the curve

fortschrittlich, innovativ, vorausschauend, zukunftsorientiert, avantgardistisch, wegweisend, führend, trendsetzend, pionierhaft, modern, fortschrittlich denkend, voraus, über dem Durchschni... [more]

Giant Leap

großer Sprung, riesiger Sprung, gewaltiger Sprung, enormer Sprung, bedeutender Fortschritt, massiver Fortsch, kolossalerung, drastischer Fortschritt, erheblicher Sprung, monumentaler Sprung, wes... [more]

being ahead

leading, ahead, in front, advanced, forward, ahead of the game, in the lead, out in front, in advance, at the forefront, in pole position, in the vanguard, in the driver's seat, on top, winning,... [more]

capturing the lead

taking the lead, seizing the lead, gaining the lead, assuming the lead, securing the lead, obtaining the lead, grabbing the lead, clinching the lead, achieving the lead, winning the lead, acquiring th... [more]


source, spring, origin, head, fountainhead, wellspring, wellhead, headstream, rise, beginning, start, inception, root, genesis, fount, well, birthplace, provenance, cradle, headspring, headwaters, hea... [more]


broken, fractured, split, shattered, damaged, ruptured, chipped, fissured, fragmented, snapped, cleaved, busted, splintered, smashed, breached, compromised, flawed, impaired, rent, riven, sundered, bu... [more]


outstrips, surpasses, exceeds, outdistances, outperforms, outmatches, outdoes, overtakes, outshines, eclipses, transcends, betters, tops, outclasses, outmaneuvers, leaves behind, outgoes, outstrides,... [more]


springy, elastic, resilient, buoyant, lively, flexible, supple, sprightly, energetic, perky, spirited, vibrant, effervescent, bubbly, peppy, zippy, jaunty, animated, vivacious, dynamic, active, frisky... [more]


surpassed, outpaced, outstripped, outperformed, exceeded, outone, outclassed, outdid, overtook, outmatched, outgunned, outmaneuvered, outshined, outvied, outdistanced


outwitted, outmaneuvered, outfoxed, outthought, outguessed, outplayed, outclassed, outperformed, bested, defeated, surpassed, trumped, outdone, outdistanced, outpaced, outstripped, outshone,matched, o... [more]

rooted in

based-on, derived-from, grounded-in, anchored-in, established-in, founded-on, stemming-from, originating-from, sourced-from, built-on, entrenched-in, ingrained-in, embedded-in, fixed-in, connected-to,... [more]

arising from

resulting-from, stemming-from, originating-from, deriving-from, emanating-from, springing-from, coming-from, caused-by, due-to, consequent-upon, ensuing-from, following-from, triggered-by, occasioned-... [more]


dives, immerses, submerges, dips, sinks, descends, drops, falls, tumbles, pitches, plummets, crashes, thrusts


predecessors, forerunners, precursors, ancestors, antecedents, forebears progenitors