43 synonym groups for Speech

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Synonyms on the topic Speech

Proclaiming the arguments

announcing the arguments, declaring the arguments, stating the arguments, presenting the arguments, asserting the arguments, pronouncing the arguments, expressing the arguments, articulating the argum... [more]


chattering, prattling, babbling, jabbering, rambling, gabbing, yakking, gossiping, nattering, yapping, mouthing off, running off at the mouth, spilling the beans, shooting the breeze, talking nonsense... [more]




praises, lauds, extols, commends, acclaims, applauds, celebrates, glorifies, exalts, hails, honors, salutes, compliments, reveres, venerates, adulates, idolizes, worships, respects, admires, appreciat... [more]


emphases, stresses, intonations, inflections, tones, highlights, marks, accents


letter, sound, phoneme, speech sound, sonant, voiced sound, unvoiced sound, fricative, plosive, stop, nasal, liquid, glide, sibilant, affricate, bilabial, labiodental, dental, alveolar, postalveolar,... [more]


verbiage, verbosity, prolixity, garrulousness, loquacity, wordiness, volubility, talkativeness, effusiveness, long-windedness, circumlocution, diffuseness, grandiloquence, garrulity, verboseness, peri... [more]

delivering an exposition

presenting-an-exposition, giving-a-presentation, delivering-a-lecture, providing-an-explanation, offering-an-exposition, presenting-information, giving-an-exposition, delivering-information, presentin... [more]


utterance, articulation, enunciation, expression, speech, phonation, sound, voicing, verbalization, intonation, pronunciation, modulation, inflection, accent, tone, delivery, diction, oration, speakin... [more]

speech delivery

oration, address, lecture, talk, presentation, discourse, speech, sermon, monologue, declamation, homily, peroration, allocution, harangue, spiel, pitch, recitation, disquisition, exhortation, oratory... [more]


spoken, articulated, expressed, uttered, enunciated, verbalized,, vocalized, said, declared, stated, communicated, conveyed, mentioned, announced, revealed, disclosed, sounded, intoned, emitted, phona... [more]


speaking, chatting, conversing, communicating, discussing, dialoguing, gabbing, gossiping, nattering, prattling, chattering, blathering, babbling, yakking, jawing, confabulating, palavering, parleying... [more]


stutterings, hesitations, falterings, pauses, interruptions, stumbling, halting, faltering, wavering, stammer, stuttering


speeches, addresses, discourses, talks, lectures, sermons, presentations, homilies, declamations, monologues, harangues, perorations, allocutions, exhortations, oratories, pronouncements, statements,... [more]


mute, silent, speechless, soundless, noiseless, inaudible, wordless, unspeaking, unvoiced, taciturn, quiet, hushed, still, dumb, tongueless, aphonic, inarticulate, reticent, mum, mute as a fish,-lippe... [more]