20 synonym groups for Secure

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Synonyms on the topic Secure

gets hold of

acquires, obtains, secures, gains, procures, captures, seizes, grasps, snatches, takes, appropriates, catches, collects, garners, amasses, attains, achieves, wins, lands, nabs, bags, fetches, picks up... [more]


cozy, comfortable, warm, secure, tight, sheltered, cushy, homely, intimate, safe, toasty, comfy, pleasant, inviting, restful, snugly, soft, well-fitting, close-fitting, compact, neat, trim, tidy, orde... [more]

make tight

tighten, secure, fasten, cinch, clamp, bind, constr, compress, squeeze, draw tight, firm up, lock, fix, brace, reinforce, stiffen, tauten, tension, snug, close, seal, zip, zip up, button, button up, b... [more]


protected, secured, shielded, defended, preserved, guarded, sheltered, covered, ensured, watched over, kept safe, maintained, upheld, conserved, fortified, insulated, bolstered, supported, backed, rei... [more]


insulated, sheltered, protected, enclosed, wrapped, swathed, covered, cushioned, shielded, cloaked, enveloped, surrounded, encapsulated, confined, sequestered, isolated, hidden, veiled, ensconced, tuc... [more]


guarantees, secures, protects, covers, safeguards, assures, underwrites, warrants, certifies, backs, endorses, vouches for, ensures, affirms, confirms, validates, supports, upholds, pledges, promises,... [more]

ties down

secures, fastens, anchors, binds, straps, tethers, moors, latches, clamps, affixes, attaches, locks, cinches, trusses, hitches, pins, bolts, screws, nails, rivets, staples, glues, cements, adheres, fi... [more]

Lacking certainty

uncertain, unsure, doubtful, hesitant, indecisive, wavering, tentative, ambiguous, unclear, insecure, vacillating, skeptical, dubious, iffy, unpredictable, unreliable, unsteady, undetermined, unresolv... [more]


guarantees, secures, assures, certifies, confirms, warrants, safeguards, affirms, validates, verifies, pledges, promises, vouches, insures, underwrites, supports, backs, upholds, maintains, establishe... [more]


verified, confirmed, validated, certified, substantiated, corroborated, attested, proven, established, legitimate, genuine, real, true, bona fide, sanctioned, endorsed, ratified, approved, recognized,... [more]


compressed, packed, sealed, fastened, closed, secured, shut, locked, clasped, buttoned, snapped


impregnable, invulnerable, impenetrable, indomitable, unassailable, invincible, secure, unyielding, indestructible, impervious


closed, shut, secured, fastened, locked, airtight, watertight hermetic, enclosed, wrapped, covered, capped, plugged, stoppered, corked, clamped, bolted, latched, zipped, buttoned, tied, banded, glued,... [more]


attached, fastened, secured, fixed, glued, stuck, adhered, joined, bonded, clamped, pinned, tacked, anchored, cemented, nailed, riveted, stapled, taped, tied, lashed, moored, affixed


secured, fastened, clamped, cinched, constricted, compressed, tautened, stiffened, strained, snugged, bolted, locked, bound, tethered, trussed, screwed, riveted, nailed, glued, cemented, affixed, atta... [more]